1,1 Concept of social philosophy.
1.1.1 By its etimología, from the antiquity, the love to the wisdom is understood as philosophy, and we can be interrogated on the content of that immaterial expression. The semantic extension of love contains meaning like: to give themselves to, to share with, to contemplate with special passion, being for, to be united to, etc. To love is an act that supposes a movement towards the own satisfaction satisfying to the wished object. To love the wisdom will be, therefore, to want to become rich intellectually and to communicate the own experience of knowledge.
From a perspective logical to do philosophy it is an act that can express two movements in relation to the knowledge:
a) To keep awake the contents that the nature locks up.
b) Ordenar the knowledge in a logical space.1.1.2 Being the philosophy a passion to know, its scope will be the universalidad of the knowledge, which implies two characteristics:
1ª The arrangement of the particular knowledge to the general.
2ª The verification of all knowledge according to universal criteria.
Although the object of the philosophy is all the knowledge, it constructs their operative way from the last causes or more universal wisdom towards the most particular applications. The philosophy contemplates the unit of the logical knowledge, that it implies the noncontradiction of two contemplated contents of the knowledge under a causal identity. Therefore of economy the philosophy studies the universal knowledge from the last causes that generate the principles of knowing more universal.
The own aim of the philosophy does not correspond to the empirical or immediate knowledge of each demonstration, but which it is followed of the rigorous contemplation of the truths that occur in the essences. For that reason, its habitual method will be the analysis of the own and common realities of the beings. However, it observes the empirical knowledge in which it can be preached of the essence.1.1.3 The binomial social philosophy expresses the accomplishment of the concept of philosophy in the scope of the society. It will be identified like the commitment in knowing what concerns the nature, object and aim of the human relations. Its scope will include the university of these relations from its aspect of number, sort or quality. The social philosophy part of the man as to be relationable and contemplates the nature of its relations of group from simplest most universal; from the sort of the same ones: affective, labor, political, cultural... until the quality or effect of good that the same ones derive for the man.
1,2 Object of social philosophy.
1.2.1 Intending the philosophy like science unravelling the adjustment to the truth more radical than locks up each proposal that can be thought, the social philosophy will really study to do objective the conditions in which the human relations are developed.
1.2.2 The last reference for the evaluation of the human relations is unique and consists of the nature or existencial global order of the cosmos.
Given that the social philosophy takes care of the study of human relations, its last referring one of the nature will display two differentiated aspects:
1º The man like subject of all social relation.
2º The material nature as frame of the relation.1.2.3 The specific reference to the being of the human person constitutes like foundation of the social philosophy being each person like individuality the one that acts like subject of the social relations. Of the specific nature and it forms of being of the man will depend the substantiality on his relations and the adjustment to the criteria of truth depending as to adjust to their genuine essence.
For that reason, the reference to its ontologic is part of the aid to the object of the social philosophy distinguishing the ontological and existencial aspects that influence in their relational behavior. Although the human being in his unit is only agent in each one of his acts, will have determined intelligent and decision-making spaces that they will be more directly tie to the relation, being these those cooperate of special way to the object of the social philosophy.1.2.4 The nature or material world to which the man belongs, and in whose reality the man is, is constituted like essential object of the social philosophy because in him the human relations take place.
The matter partly determines the behaviors of the man of two ways: one direct one, so and as determines it in its material substance; and another indirect one, according to is related to the other material substances with which it shares the life.1.2.5 The man in addition to as subject also one constitutes like object of the social philosophy as soon as aim of the social relations.
All relation is directional or bidirectional, requiring a subject and an object. When the relation occurs between people, each one of them can be considered like subject, but also like aim or object of the relation. The social philosophy, therefore, will have to also study differentiating which the contents of truth that affect of the human being are appropiate in each relation not only considering to the person like subject, but like term or final cause. The relation will only adjust to the nature when it does not harm the essences of nature of both extreme of the relation.1,3 Space within the philosophy.
1.3.1 The social philosophy within the philosophy is located between axiologic sciences that contemplate the ethical value of the human acts. The society is the set of relations that establish the human beings, in the measurement that the same ones are according to their nature and aim could be evaluated as good or intrinsic value for the person forming frame of or general good or common.
1.3.2 The social philosophy will also require the support of the ontología and metaphysics in the analysis of the essence of the human being, the logic in the arrangement of the relational acts, psychology on the intellectual perception of the society by the person, cosmology on the determination of the material scope in the way of being and very specially of the ethics like director of the common good.
1.3.3 The social philosophy will have its own method of speculative nature that starts off from the being in their simpler relations for most complex; as much in as in others it is necessary that the person does not resign to her essential value: to be individual of free intellectual nature. For that reason, the social philosophy cannot lose the perspective of the thought unit that is conjugated between the different branches from the philosophy which they contemplate a same true being.
1.3.4 The conclusions of the social philosophy will only be certain if in addition that they do not present internal contradiction that desdiga their contents really are not opposite either to the critic that any other branch of the philosophy can make on a certain conclusiva proposal. If is controversy in this sense it will be necessary to reframe the analysis that each one of these branches carries out until really reaching the authentic conditions that satisfy to all the forms of philosophical science.
1,4 Relation with other disciplines.
1.4.1 The social philosophy is related directly with sociology as soon as both have to do with the society. The essential difference between both is that while sociology studies how they are the social behaviors, the philosophy analyzes how they must such be to the primary light of the way of being of his subject: the human person.
1.4.2 By his condition for being intellectual and free, the human being is not led the cosmic determinism, being able to construct the society structured on guessed right or erroneous relations, that besides to influence him as or good or a limitation affects the universal system perfecting it or degrading it.
1.4.3 Sociology constitutes like an experimental science of the relations had and its influence on the behavior of the human being. The philosophy, however, part of the analysis of as they would have to be the relations, and therefore many of their conclusions cannot empirically be verified because although they must have been of a certain way the social reality not yet has made them, which disables their experimental verification.
1.4.4 The science of the social philosophy follows a method radically different from sociology, reason why their conclusions are not evaluables by that discipline excep in very reduced aspects.
1.4.5 The social philosophy guard also relation with other sciences, like the anthropology, experimental psychology, political sciences, geography, the linguistic, sciences of the communication and any other science that the behavior of the man in the social sphere intends.