9,1 Redistribution.
9.1.1 The wealth, set of goods of the nature that satisfy the necessities of the man, belongs by essence of equal way to all the men, but, in the measurement who those goods have had to be worked for their disposition and use, the property relation is affected by a special bond of property for the subject of the work.
9.1.2 The property is a consequence related to the work that extends on the elaborated goods and on that as a result of the distribution of the work they are object of exchange or commerce.
9.1.3 As soon as that all the men have right to the life, the resource to the exercise of the work belongs to them on some portion of nature of which to obtain benefits for its subsistence and well-being.
9.1.4 The right to the property and the right to the work have to conjugate themselves so between the human beings of the way that the property of some not reduce the possibility of the others to the work. Reason why the right to the property is a right limited by the necessity of the others the work to reach its own well-being; work that by himself generates a new one of property straight. It would be possible to be concluded then: That the natural scope on which operates generating the property rights is limited by a similar right of third a to work and to obtain benefits for its survival. That justice in the redistribution is originally in a right to the work and not to the produced goods. That the relative right of the property does not affect to him in joint himself as soon as of produced goods but as soon as collective participation to the natural estate of where by the work they produce.9.1.5 Since the application of intelligence and the effort on the nature are not equal for all the men, the benefits that are obtained from the nature are equally unequal. This originates people and very different communities in goods and creative resources, which does that the yield of benefit on a unit of the toiled nature is very diverse.9.1.6 The direct redistribution of the nature and the properties, because of the different degree from application of the people sobe they, could generate a collective impoverishment by the successive diminution of the productivity. For that reason it must think that the redistribution on the universal right to the work does not have to be in himself on the equitable distribution of the nature but in the cooperation of the diffusion of science and the technique to multiply the benefit of the work.9.1.7 The wealth is product of the intellectual and manual work of the humanity, and for that reason the best redistribution of the wealth is in the qualification to obtain the greater yield to the effort.9,2 Protectionism.
9.2.1 A tendency to the self-protection and the autocomplacencia exists in the most elementary nature of the alive beings. Of some essential way he follows the tendency of the interpretation of the reality from the support of the own identity, for that reason the being tries like primary everything what helps to its survival and its pleasure. For that reason he tends to affirm to the sovereignty to the surroundings establishing demarcations of property or power. The human being when settling down itself in society maintains that tendency, although rationalized, which is perceived in how it appreciates the sense of the own thing.
9.2.2 The protection of the own thing has been one of the factors most decisive in the social relations, because in the encounter of a plurality the anxiety by the other people's goods awakes, originating the agreement, in the agreement of social relation, of the way of protection of the own thing of everyone and how will distribute the goods generated by the common putting in of the talents and efforts of each part.
9.2.3 The protectionism created in this relation in front of settles down in form of right of the individual or group the colectivity. Since the society is dynamic and it is developed of continuous, the relations that in a while remember dice for the protection the goods of the parts can be denounced by the colectivity at another moment when the same ones decrease the possibilities of opening themselves to new perspective of participation. In this case protectionism is against solidarity.
9.2.4 The objective of protectionism essentially is to conserve the degree of reached well-being, that is consequence - from the material perspective exclusive right of the amount of goods available. However, the association of the man is made with aim to jointly improve the operation yield on the nature, and there colige that can be shared the scope of the own thing with the purpose of which of the results of the investment such benefits are followed that of their distribution between the parts all obtain benefit.
9.2.5 The securing of the own thing in the risk of the global commerce is what the instability of the intercommunitarian policies and the consequent deficiency of a defined scope of relation generate. Protectionism to look for as opposed to to prioritize the interest of part like consolidation of right the emergent outer competition.
9.2.6 When protectionism protects fundmentales rights justify their nature. When it harms with his application right fundamental other people's that they do not decrease the own ones, social frame denounces its inconsistency in him. When it reinforces dominion situations ilegítimo is made as much more or less according to the degree of freedom that deteriorates.
9.2.7 Protectionism is not executed only on economic matter but also, and perhaps of preeminent way, on a the ideological scope, when it is tried to preserve a tradition or social program of all outer contamination. A culture, a religious expression, a political doctrine, can be considered with a so determining value of good that it induces to make total reserve of his principles to any type of social relation. This way protectionism persecutes to protect, with an out of proportion rigor, which the intellectual force of by himself does not preserve.
9.2.8 An extreme form of protectionism is the autarky, in which the activity of production and commerce of a community is closed to the outer interchange limiting the perspective of use of goods the own communitarian capacity.
9.2.9 The autarky limits much in the progress, because no community has the best techniques nor sufficient natural resources to be developed of backs to the outside. This situation is specially serious whatever concerns to small States, that by their own dimension are for the most conditional progress to the outer interchange. This reality is so that the autarky habitually is consequence of a political structure of radical dominion to the service of a minority.
9.2.10 In the case of the autarkies of political reason it would be necessary to consider that they serve for the protectionism of particular interests by means of the control of the society by the boundary of his outer relation.
9.2.11 Between the obligations that a community confers to the State it is the protection of the own interests in the scope of the international economy. Until where a protection of immediate rights must take is in function, in addition to other factors of solidarización, of the perspective of benefit or deficiencies that the implantation or restriction of protectionistic measures can deparar in the future. This visualizes in the agreements of common market, where the sectorial damages that produce the immediate adjustments in the long run compensate by the majority of the collective benefits.
9.2.12 When protectionism sponsors average the most powerful ones, solidarity is suffered remarkably, because the legitimate rights of promotion of the favored economies are clipped less.
9.2.13 A form of protectionism perpetuated in the society is the established one by those who holds a political or economic power from which they dictate a law that harms the legitimate rights of the minorities to accede to arrange or to operate the resources of the nature. This occurs of very special way in colonized towns or where the system causes the administration of the power by few. The domination and influence of a cacique and the corruption settle in those communities like social badly endemic.
9.2.14 Perhaps it would be possible to be thought that the own structures of the democratic system would orient all protectionism towards an egalitarian tendency, to the being all the town it jeopardize in the power, but although therefore have been made in some States has not been a general projection, because a sufficient majority imposes his criterion of dominion like justification of the cash to be able that that structure communicates in the universal set of social relations.
9,3 Globalización.
9.3.1 In the globalización a structure of relation of international scope is noticed whose limit is not other that the border of the organized society. It supposes the antithesis of the autarky, but considered as system is only justified socially when the relations that it structures they tend to relax the dominion considerations that under disguised colonization ways have prevailed historically in the international relations.
9.3.2 The globalización essentially part of the respect to the particular sovereignty of each town and looks for in the same one to settle as form of commercial participation. For that reason the right guarantee is the fundamental requirement of this new system of internationalized economy.
9.3.3 The protagonism that in a global economy has each town is in favor conditional of its strategic position with respect to the produción and the market. If the global economy has to prevail like a universal relation it must contemplate solidarity rules to palliate the weakness positions in which the communities with less resources are to defend their right interests in a dominated relation by that has economic a preminente position. This is specially important for the economies of the emergent towns to the development, where its deficiency of own resources can relegate them to a dependent condition.
9.3.4 The social slope of the globalización is in which the human society is one and therefore all can agree to a multiple pact. The progresses in the communication that have reduced the distances and the times are the true creators of this mercantile world-wide scale development that besides to benefit the well-being by the increase from the commerce also contributes the cultural component that can favor the understanding between towns and cultures.
9.3.5 To consider the globalización as a process of universal mercantile cooperation is only justified if really the social mass accedes to an improvement of disposition of goods that favor their conditions of life. The originated expectation is based on the possibility of participating in the technological and scientific progress by means of the access to the fluidity of the market, but it is required that dynamics adjusts to the necessities of the emergent towns and not only according to the configuration of the interests of the towns with investing capacity.
9.3.6 The globalización demands a new structure of world-wide economic system that takes care of that the wealth is not the one that stages the action, but the humanity administers the universal wealth with a perspective in which the fundamental rights of the people are not harmed in the relations. As much as the difference of power are between the parts more difficult is to make be worth the individual rights, and for that reason the new economy will have to confront from solidarity the ethics of its relations, because entering game the interests of the world-wide population the social answer can get to be as forceful as uncontrollable.
9.3.7 The perspective of which the social relations are relations on watch cannot be lost by very great that is the scope of market, and the rights that the produceron has on the productthe cannot be avoided. Solidarity will contemplate then like fundamental that dimension on watch that it has to govern the economy by which the last objective of all the production is an interchange of services that in the global scope also takes shape in an interchange of the goods of the nature which each town administer according to the geographic space in which it is based and it dominates.